Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 8

Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been a blur. I'll try to just give some highlights though.
Hermana Leyva and I were able to find a family that was being taught before. It is a husband and wife (well I hope they're married, though there is no guarantee...) and their two kids. One has down syndrome and is in 8th grade and the other is 3 and has autism. They are both so loving and patient with their kids and they both seem to have a sincere desire to know the truth. I really look forward to sharing the gospel with them and hopefully watching them progress.
I had exchanges yesterday and was in Basin City and stayed in the home of Brother and Sister Empy who said Reid (a friend of my sister) is their nephew. It's a small world, right Alicia? Yesterday may have been one of the best days of my mission so far. The Hermana I was with gave me so many oppurtunities to teach and bear testimony. I got to lead teaching the Restoration, and although it wasn't easy, I felt it went really well. I also got to invite someone to be baptized. He didn't exactly say yes but he didn't say no. I also got to rake leaves yesterday. We stoped by to teach a woman and she was out working and we volunteered to help. I loved just being able to serve like that. She seemed surprised but very grateful.
The other day it snowed further out of the city and later that evening while driving I experienced for the first time sliding. It was pretty scary because I had to swerve out and around someone so I didn't slide into them and hit them. I definitely had unseen help when this happened and all is well. Luckily it was out in the country and there was no one else around besides the person in front of me who I was actually following to an appointment. I shook me up a bit but all is okay and I just have to remember to be super careful when braking when there is snow or ice. When I was on exchanges my companion took the car to the shop and they said the front tires needed to be changed so that could have been part of the problem.
This morning our zone went to the temple in Richland and it was a really nice experience. This is why we didn't have P-day yesterday, because we're having it today. After the temple a member drove us to Target and I was able to get a couple things including a couple longer skirts, that hopefully will help a little with staying warmer. Seriously, I can't believe how cold it gets here and the wind makes it a hundred times worse. I think it was maybe 12 degrees this morning if I remember correctly what the car temperature gauge said. My heart goes out to those missionaries serving in places like Russia and other freezing cold places. They are awesome.
Well I am doing pretty well and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving this past week! I am so thankful for my family and friends who show so much love towards me. I also am thankful I can serve a mission for my Heavenly Father to show the love I have for Him and my Savior Jesus Christ. I challenge everyone to just sit down and write a list of things they are grateful for which trust me can get pretty lengthy. Then say a prayer of gratitude and just thank Heavenly Father for all your blessings. It will make you feel better and realize how blessed you really are.
I love you all and hope you all can remember the true reason for this CHRISTmas Season! Try looking up a video called He Is The Gift, it's a new video put out by the church that is less than 3 minutes but is wonderful and is about Christ.
I love you all!
Hermana Brighton