Dear Family and Friends,
This week has been pretty awesome. I am constantly learning the importance of acting on the little thoughts I have to knock a certain door, or more often, walk down a certain street. When my companion and I have done this we have found people who were open to listening to us. Also each week we have a day set aside to plan for the week. We write down someone we are going to visit or somewhere we will be knocking or finding people for each hour of the day. Throughout the week we will make adjustments as needed, for example if we find someone and set a return appointment we will do a time that works for them, despite what we have written down. The miracle about this weekly planning though is how often things go how we plan them. I can't say how many times through out my mission there have been moments where we go to set up a return appointment with someone and their name is already written where they say they can have us return. Other times we have planned on knocking certain areas and it is from these areas that we will plan to get a new investigator and we often do find people who are ready. God truly does help us reach our goals and plans as we go through with them and act in faith.
This past week my companion got sick and so for one day we stayed in and she slept basically all day. She REALLY needed it (and of course we had permission) and it was amazing to see how much better she felt after just taking that day to rest and sleep. I took the time to catch up on filling out teaching records for new investigators and just in general cleaning and house work.
I am so grateful to be a missionary right now. I was telling my companion the other day after an especially incredible teaching opportunity, that it because of moments like that, that I love being a missionary. Yes, sometimes things are so hard, harder than I ever thought it would be, but it's when those little moments happen when we talk to someone who really needed it and things like that, that I know I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing.
On a side note, our tire popped the other day. We got to our last lesson of the night at
8pm and I was backing my companion to park when I heard air whooshing out of our tire. We figured we probably hit a nail or something sharp and we'd have to deal with it after the lesson. After the lesson when we came out, sure enough the tire was completely flat. A member had come to the lesson though so he helped us change it and put the spare do-nut on it. The next day we went and got a new tire. So yep- fun little adventures you have when you have a car.
Overall this week was good and I'm looking forward to a good remainder of the week. It's crazy to think it's almost already half way over. Having our preparation day on a
kinda throws off the week but that's okay. It was changed to today because we went to the temple as a Zone this morning.
we find out if anything is changing. This transfer sure flew by!