Dear Family and Friends,
I hope this letter finds everyone doing well. This past week has been pretty good. I have seen how the Spirit has guided my companion and I to certain places so that we can meet specific people. I have also come to realize that there are so many different ways people can be lead to the gospel. Sometimes their first contact with it, does not mean they will accept it. Our job as members is to set the example though and continuously invite others to come and see for themselves whether the church of Jesus Christ has been restored. I know it has. This knowledge doesn't come all at once, but comes through praying and reading the scriptures and going to church. If you stop doing these things you'll forget that you knew. You will lose your testimony. There is a quote that I like that goes something like this- A testimony isn't once captured and forever kept. It is fragile and has to be recaptured every day. Well I basically butchered that quote... I'll have to find it and write it home next week.