Monday, May 11, 2015

week 31

Dear Friends and Family,
I just want to say Happy Mothers' Day! Thank you to all you moms who dedicate everything to help their children. I have blessed with a mom who has taught me more than I sometimes realize. She is an example to me. She is a hard worker, constantly gives to and serves others, dedicated, and SUPER talented- especially at writing poems and expressing her thoughts. :) I know that my Mom loves me and I love her. I know not everyone has been blessed with the best mothers. This is why we can also find mother figures in those around us. I'm grateful for all the just plain GOOD women. I have had the opportunity to know and associate with so many women that have changed my life. My teachers in school and church, as well us those I've worked with and around. I'm so grateful for all of you women.
I know that often times God works through others to bless His children. I hope we can all constantly look for ways that we can serve and help others. A scripture found in Mosiah 2:17 basically sums up why we are to serve others-

behold, tell you these things that ye may learn wisdomthat ye may learn that when ye are in the service of yourfellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
So if we love God we will serve him, and how can we serve him? By serving others. It's as simple as that. As a missionary that is what I have the opportunity to do basically every day. Go out and serve God by finding people and serving them- whether that be by teaching them how to find true and lasting happiness, or lending a hand helping out in their garden. We serve however we can with the hope to bring others closer to God and Christ. Through the love we give we hope to help others recognize the love God has for them as well.
As far as events from this past week go... we have gotten to do several fun things. We serve at the animal shelter and they have a baby bunny I got to play with and hold. It had been a while since I'd held a bunny so I really enjoyed that time. We also spent a few hours shoveling rocks out of someone's garden. I always enjoy getting to work outside so although I have been sick this week, I did what I could to help out. Both my companion and I haven't been feeling super well but we've been doing what we can and I know that is what matters. Friday evening there was a Mother's Day activity that the Spanish Branch organized that was super fun. Us six missionaries in the branch did a little skit that was pretty funny but also talked about how mothers can help teach their children and prepare them to serve the Lord.
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Hermana Brighton