Dear Family and Friends,
I have enjoyed being here in Othello and I am already learning and growing in ways I know I wouldn't have if I'd stayed in Yakima to finish my mission. I was also blessed to be able to have an experience that just melted my heart. This past weekend was stake conference and I am in the same stake as I was in in previous months of my mission. One of the people I worked with and was baptized was asked to share her testimony during the adult session of stake conference. It was amazing to sit and listen to her share how the gospel has changed her life and blessed her in ways she never imagined and then near the end she looked at me from the pulpit and said how grateful she was that she was able to tell me in person that her and her husband would be going to the temple and receiving their endowments and getting sealed. Let's just say my eyes were not dry. It also felt a lot more personal because it was in spanish and a lot of the people only spoke english that were sitting around me. There was a translator though, but it of course is not the same as hearing it from someone's own mouth. I have permission to go to the temple with them and I am so happy.