Wow. This week has been so full of learning experiences and my testimony of the Restored Gospel is being strengthened and reinforced each day as I study and pray with real intent and desire to know truth.
General Conference was an incredible experience. I know that God cares for his children and it is through called and ordained leaders that we can receive additional inspiration and teachings to guide us on our pathways here in mortality. I had many questions answered and I know that God is aware of me and love me because I am His special spirit daughter. I know that God created our spirits and He knows us better than we do and sees the divine potential we have. The Spirit of God has lead me to find answers to questions and even doubts I've had. I love what was stated in conference though about how faith and doubt cannot exist in you simultaneously. Faith dispels doubt. I know this is true and as we choose to have faith and push forward despite out weaknesses and difficulties, God recognizes that and is proud of us. I know that when we choose faith, we also choose to trust in God and His timing and His timing is perfect. Answers do come. Sometimes we just have to wait for them in patience all the while searching diligently for answers.
My companion and I had a special experience when one of our investigators invited us over to come teach. It was so amazing to come at someone else's request and then teach someone who is so ready and willing to learn. Who has so much desire to know! She wants to be baptized and has set October 24th as the date. We have a lot to teach her still but I know that things will happen according to God's will as long as she submits her will to His. :)
I love you all and hope you are all continually learning and growing your testimonies of the doctrines and principles of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity I have to be a full time missionary and see the lives of those I love be blessed, mine included.
Hermana Brighton