Dear Friends and Family,
I just want to say Happy Mothers' Day! Thank you to all you moms who dedicate everything to help their children. I have blessed with a mom who has taught me more than I sometimes realize. She is an example to me. She is a hard worker, constantly gives to and serves others, dedicated, and SUPER talented- especially at writing poems and expressing her thoughts. :) I know that my Mom loves me and I love her. I know not everyone has been blessed with the best mothers. This is why we can also find mother figures in those around us. I'm grateful for all the just plain GOOD women. I have had the opportunity to know and associate with so many women that have changed my life. My teachers in school and church, as well us those I've worked with and around. I'm so grateful for all of you women.And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of yourfellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.